


Hang the self-sign-in script on the Raspberry Pi.

Due to the blocking of Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud by a certain learning platform, I dug out the antique Raspberry Pi 3B that I bought in 2015 to run scripts.

Since my Raspberry Pi is not powered 24/7, I cannot guarantee that it will be permanently online, so I want my script to automatically start when the Raspberry Pi boots up.

And I want my script to notify me only when there is a check-in through Server Chan.

Flashing the System#

To be honest, SD cards are rare nowadays. I searched everywhere at home and finally found a random 8GB card. It works, so I can use it. Flashing the system on the Raspberry Pi is really convenient, just use the official software.

Getting Rid of Python 2 and Switching to Python 3#

Just when I thought I could run the script directly, I realized that the Raspberry Pi defaults to Python 2. So the second step is to get rid of Python 2 and switch to Python 3. Run the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt remove python # Uninstall Python 2
sudo apt autoremove # Clean up Python 2
sudo apt install python3 # Python 3 is usually already installed in the system, this step can be skipped
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python # Create a new link pointing to Python 3

Clone the Script#

git clone # Using GitHub acceleration source

Configure and Test the Script#

Go to chaoxing_auto_sign/local/ to configure the script.

Then in the terminal, navigate to {your path}/chaoxing_auto_sign/local/ and use python timing to run the script for testing.


Everything is ready, let's move on to the main part of this article.

Install Screen#

Run the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt install screen

Automatically Run the Script on Startup#

Create a file named in /home/pi/Desktop/ for easy editing and searching. The content is as follows:

        screen -dmS $1
        screen -x -S $1 -p 0 -X stuff "$2"
        screen -x -S $1 -p 0 -X stuff '\n'

CreateScreen "chaoxing" "/home/pi/Desktop/"

Create a file named in /home/pi/Desktop/ for easy editing and searching. The content is as follows:


cd {your path}/chaoxing_auto_sign/local/
python timing

Run the following command in the terminal:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Insert the following code above exit 0 to make the system automatically run on startup:

su pi -c "exec /home/pi/Desktop/"

After editing, press the key combination Ctrl+O and press Enter to save. Then you can restart the Raspberry Pi. After restarting, enter the following command in the terminal:

screen -r chaoxing

to check if the script is running properly.

(Extension) Notify Only When There is a Check-in via Server Chan#

September 17, 2021: I don't really understand Python, but it seems that even after making changes, it won't notify even if the check-in is successful.

By default, the script sends notifications every time it runs, which is very annoying. So I made this modification.

Modify the code in chaoxing_auto_sign\local\ to:

from datetime import datetime

import aiohttp

from config import SERVER_CHAN_SEND_KEY

async def server_chan_send(dataset):
    """Send messages via Server Chan"""
    if SERVER_CHAN_SEND_KEY == '':
    msg = ("| Account | Course Name | Check-in Time | Check-in Status |\n"
           "| :----: | :----: | :------: | :------: |\n")
    msg_template = "|  {}  |  {}  | {}  |    {}    |"
    for datas in dataset:
        if datas:
            for data in datas:
                msg += msg_template.format(data['username'], data['name'], data['date'], data['status'])
            params = {
                'title': msg,
                'desp': msg
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                async with session.request(
                ) as resp:
                    text = await resp.text()
            msg = "No check-in tasks at the moment!\{}".format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
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