


Blog, what did I optimize?

Due to the poor performance of the blog, I spent two days optimizing it. Below are the results of my optimization.



Removing Dependencies#

❌ Remove fancybox
❌ Remove SmoothScroll
❌ Remove jQuery
❌ Remove Pjax

It is already 2020, and I don't think jQuery is necessary.
Edge's official release comes with a smooth scrolling effect, and using SmoothScroll on MacOS can cause lag, so it is removed.
Fancybox is removed because I rarely use it, and it is more comfortable to open the original image directly with the right mouse button.

Lazyload Optimization#

Before this, there was always a problem with image loading jitter on my blog's homepage, so I directly calculate the placeholder size of each image by inputting the length and height of the image in the article to prevent jitter.
However, it is indeed a bit troublesome.
Previous Front-matter:

title: What did I optimize on my blog?

Current Front-matter:

title: What did I optimize on my blog?
coverWidth: 1920
coverHeight: 1206

And I added a non-linear animation to Lazyload to give a happier feeling.

Resource Concatenation#

This operation is very convenient because jsdelivr has a built-in merge function, which can freely merge multiple libraries.
For example,[email protected]/styles/atom-one-dark.css,gh/nexmoe/,gh/nexmoe/,gh/nexmoe/
So I merged all the css and js files of the blog into one, reducing the number of browser requests and improving the speed.

Image Compression#

The images on my homepage are just for visual enjoyment, why use the original image without loss?
So I uniformly compressed all the images to a width of 920px, greatly reducing the size of the images. The speed has increased dramatically.

Simplification of Dependencies#

Since the theme relies on mdui, and mdui will load fonts, I localized it and deleted color classes, utility classes, and font classes.
The speed has also improved slightly.

Rewriting Some JS with Node.js#

Previously, I used js to enable lazyload and some functions, so they needed to be re-rendered during webpage rendering, which consumed some performance.
So I rewrote some of them using Node.js. Hexo will complete the work during compilation, so there is no need to render it when accessing it in the browser.

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